Our Vision 

  • Everychild at Holgate will be equipped with the necessary skills and confidence to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • All children will have the opportunity to take part in P.E and sport in a manner to suit their ability.
  • A variety of physical activities through school expose pupils to experiences they may not otherwise encounter.
  • Children are provided with high quality and quantity of sports through lessons and after school clubs.
  • Opportunities for inter school sporting competitions through local, consortium, Trust and Sports Council opportunities.
  • Opportunities for intra school activities at breaktimes as well as in lessons.

How we are spending our money in 2024 to 2025 to achieve our Vision

The Sports Funding Allocation has allowed us to engage pupils in regular high quality physical activity and educate them about helathy lifestyles. Employing specialist coaches has allowed us to raise the profile of sport within the school, provide a wider range of activities, and train staff as part of their CPD:

  • Two hours of PE is provided for each child, in addition to this we have our Daily Mile and intra school fitness challenges and class Yoga. 
  • We have continued to maintain and update our MUGA, playground, adventure play area and sports field as well as our equipment. 
  • We provide extended opportunities for any pupil not achieving the expected standard in swimming to continue to attend lessons until they have basic competency. 
  • We employ  experts to come in and run sessions for us through the school day as well as subsurdise after school clubs, make provision for families who could not afford to attend. Some of the specialists are also involved in CPD for staff. 
  • Sports experts have been employed to work with pupils to support their understanding of the way physical exerice supports strong mental and physical health and this links into our PSHE curriculum. 
  • We provide 3 different sports clubs each evening at a subsardised cost. 
  • We provide sporting opportunities for pupils at breakfast club.
  • Our school sports coach and other staff provide opportunities for pupils to participate in competative games and competitions. 
  • Yoga has been introduced through school to support physical and emotonal health. 
  • The profile of PE and sport is kept at the forefront by our active school sports council and staff who are also role models. For example through hosting a lunchtime running club, attending key pupil competitions and tournaments in their own time, Sports achievement assembly celebrations -celebrating pupil, staff and parent achievements in and out of school. 
  • We have provided some training for ECT teachers. 
  • We support our most deprived pupils to engage in sport.

Our Sport Premium Policy for 2022 to 2023 

Our Sport Premium Policy for 2023 to 2024