
Children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2  receive a free school lunch. The cost for pupils in Y3,4,5 and Y6 is £2.40 per day.

Lunches can be ordered on the day,  but if your child will be having school lunches regularly we would prefer if you paid at least weekly.  You can also choose to pain monthly, half termly or termly. Payments can be made in cash or online.

There are usually two main choices of hot meal and a hot vegetarian choice. There is also always a salad bar, jacket potatoes, sandwiches,  crusty bread and pasta available in addition to the hot lunch and vegetable accompaniment.

For puddings there is always a variety of fresh fruit such as melon and kiwi fruit available as well as low sugar yogurts, biscuits and cakes.

Both water and low sugar squash is available.

We employ our own catering staff and source our own food. 


If your child has any food intolerances or allergies please speak to us well in advance of them starting school. We will set up a meeting with you and the school cook so that we can ensure all of your child's needs can be catered for. 



Packed Lunches

Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch to school. Most children bring in sandwiches or a pasta salad. Most children also bring fruit, crisps and a yogurt.  Water is available for all children or you may send  fruit squash. We encourage children to take 'leftovers' from their packed lunch home so that you can see what they have eaten.

We would respectfully ask you to not send fizzy drinks or chocolate bars to school. Please keep them as occasional treats at home.