Our school mission statement is 'Learning for Life'

Leaders have very high expectations for all. They want every pupil to develop a life-long love of learning and to realise that there are no limits to their future successes. " OFSTED 2019

Through our 'Learning For Life' curriculum and school ethos,  our aim is to work with parents to prepare children for a life of successful learning where they can adapt and move forward successfully whatever the circumstance or situation.


L.E.A.R.N Sums up our aims.

Lifelong learning

Equipped for the world

Ambitious in every area

Resilient and Courageous

No limits to our success!

We are proud that our pupils tell us that they are HAPPY at school because we believe that children learn well when they are happy.

Pupils have the opportunity to see 'learning in real life.' Visits and visitors play an important part in this for every class.

We provide our pupils with a valuable set of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural experiences such as: learning to play a tuned instrument; performing in a play; working with members of the community on various projects; celebrating and learning about the different faiths and cultures of pupils in the school and their families; Knowing how democracy works and taking part in democratic leadership elections.

Important Personal, Social and Health Education experiences are developed through our 'House Assemblies' and our curriculum.

Language development, vocabulary acquisition and confident debate are included in lessons across the curriculum.

We place a huge emphasis on academic resilience and being able to work in a sustained way. Speaking and Listening, Reading, Writing and Mathematics takes place in discrete lessons but is also used in a purposeful way to develop and support learning in all subjects. 

Our effective curriculum provides children with the confidence and opportunity to 'dip' into their prior knowledge and understanding so that they can make links when engaged in new learning.


All pupils develop Learning for Life skills through our '6 Rs' 

Respect, Resilience, Resourcefulness, Risk Taking, Reflection and of course knowing how to develop and maintain healthy Relationships with others. 

We have 3 rules:

  1. Speak positively
  2. Keep hands and feet to yourselves
  3. Follow instructions the first time.