History For Life at Holgate Academy
Our curriculum:
Throughout the history curriculum at Holgate, our children will develop these key historical skills:
Our curriculum enables all children to:
In history we teach a fully inclusive curriculum that inspires all children to be inquisitive about the past. We have designed our curriculum around a literacy rich, strong vocabulary base with enrichment opportunities sequenced throughout.
Subject leadership teams have identified key substantive and disciplinary knowledge for each year group which is embedded in children's long-term memory using a range of different strategies. Concepts and ideas are often revisited to ensure children know and remember previous learning.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children start by learning about their local and personal history. This allows them to have first-hand experiences meet local people and look at modern artefacts. Children start to develop an understanding of chronology using vocabulary like past, present, before and after. They learn to compare and contrast people and events of the past and present.
In Key Stage 2, children build on their prior knowledge and continue to develop a chronological understanding of British, local and world history. Children are encouraged to ask questions and think critically in order to develop a vast knowledge of history. They are also taught how to use primary and secondary sources in order to build this understanding.
In each year group, a series of sequenced lessons are planned to ensure knowledge is taught in small steps. The objectives are a mixture of knowledge and skills. Key enrichment opportunities have also been planned so children have a large number of wider historical experiences. These include crafting 17th century London houses with the Nomad Rangers in Forest School and a mummification workshop at the World Museum in Liverpool.
Each history lesson starts with a recap of prior knowledge. This comes in many different forms, from low stakes quizzes to filling in words in a stem sentence. This is to ensure that previously taught knowledge in constantly revisited. Recap starters are scaffolded appropriately to ensure all children access this knowledge. Within the lesson, new learning is modelled and scaffolded to allow new knowledge to be connected with wider knowledge. Particular emphasis is put on modelling key vocabulary, knowledge and skills.
By the time children leave Holgate, they are ready for the next step of their learning. Our curriculum provides them with essential historical knowledge, skills and vocabulary as well as a coherent understanding of chronology and how history impacts our modern lives. This enables pupils to embark successfully into secondary school, the Key Stage 3 curriculum and beyond as knowledgeable historians, equipped for the modern world with a lifelong love of learning.
History For Life at Holgate Academy
Our curriculum:
Throughout the history curriculum at Holgate, our children will develop these key historical skills:
Our curriculum enables all children to:
In history we teach a fully inclusive curriculum that inspires all children to be inquisitive about the past. We have designed our curriculum around a literacy rich, strong vocabulary base with enrichment opportunities sequenced throughout.
Subject leadership teams have identified key substantive and disciplinary knowledge for each year group which is embedded in children's long-term memory using a range of different strategies. Concepts and ideas are often revisited to ensure children know and remember previous learning.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children start by learning about their local and personal history. This allows them to have first-hand experiences meet local people and look at modern artefacts. Children start to develop an understanding of chronology using vocabulary like past, present, before and after. They learn to compare and contrast people and events of the past and present.
In Key Stage 2, children build on their prior knowledge and continue to develop a chronological understanding of British, local and world history. Children are encouraged to ask questions and think critically in order to develop a vast knowledge of history. They are also taught how to use primary and secondary sources in order to build this understanding.
In each year group, a series of sequenced lessons are planned to ensure knowledge is taught in small steps. The objectives are a mixture of knowledge and skills. Key enrichment opportunities have also been planned so children have a large number of wider historical experiences. These include crafting 17th century London houses with the Nomad Rangers in Forest School and a mummification workshop at the World Museum in Liverpool.
Each history lesson starts with a recap of prior knowledge. This comes in many different forms, from low stakes quizzes to filling in words in a stem sentence. This is to ensure that previously taught knowledge in constantly revisited. Recap starters are scaffolded appropriately to ensure all children access this knowledge. Within the lesson, new learning is modelled and scaffolded to allow new knowledge to be connected with wider knowledge. Particular emphasis is put on modelling key vocabulary, knowledge and skills.
By the time children leave Holgate, they are ready for the next step of their learning. Our curriculum provides them with essential historical knowledge, skills and vocabulary as well as a coherent understanding of chronology and how history impacts our modern lives. This enables pupils to embark successfully into secondary school, the Key Stage 3 curriculum and beyond as knowledgeable historians, equipped for the modern world with a lifelong love of learning.