Phonics and Early Reading ideas
Our main phonics scheme is Monster Phonics. It is a synthetic phonics scheme.
While children are in Reception, Y1 and Y2, they are taught mostly as a whole class for phonics in their respective classrooms. We have additional small group and 1:1 sessions for children who we think need extra support, the sessions last around 10 minutes and take place every day.
Our statutory data for Phonics at the end of Year 1 is 94% in 2018 and 94% 2019.
We don't revise for the phonics check because we cover everything in class in Reception and Year 1. The check takes about 5 minutes and isn't stressful. It is carried out by a class teacher.
If a pupil does not reach the 'required standard' (as set by the government) at the end of Year 1, they benefit from extra daily phonics support in Year 2 on top of class phonics.
If a pupil in Y3, 4, 5, 6 requires extra phonic support, we use a phonics scheme called Sounds Write. The Sounds Write sessions take place 3-5 times per week for about 20 minutes and are 1:1.
How to say each of the 44 phonics sounds
Examples of the Year 1 phonics check can be found here.
Phonics Curriculum Overview
Phonics and Early Reading ideas
Our main phonics scheme is Monster Phonics. It is a synthetic phonics scheme.
While children are in Reception, Y1 and Y2, they are taught mostly as a whole class for phonics in their respective classrooms. We have additional small group and 1:1 sessions for children who we think need extra support, the sessions last around 10 minutes and take place every day.
Our statutory data for Phonics at the end of Year 1 is 94% in 2018 and 94% 2019.
We don't revise for the phonics check because we cover everything in class in Reception and Year 1. The check takes about 5 minutes and isn't stressful. It is carried out by a class teacher.
If a pupil does not reach the 'required standard' (as set by the government) at the end of Year 1, they benefit from extra daily phonics support in Year 2 on top of class phonics.
If a pupil in Y3, 4, 5, 6 requires extra phonic support, we use a phonics scheme called Sounds Write. The Sounds Write sessions take place 3-5 times per week for about 20 minutes and are 1:1.
How to say each of the 44 phonics sounds
Examples of the Year 1 phonics check can be found here.
Phonics Curriculum Overview
Phonics and Early Reading ideas
Our main phonics scheme is Monster Phonics. It is a synthetic phonics scheme.
While children are in Reception, Y1 and Y2, they are taught mostly as a whole class for phonics in their respective classrooms. We have additional small group and 1:1 sessions for children who we think need extra support, the sessions last around 10 minutes and take place every day.
Our statutory data for Phonics at the end of Year 1 is 94% in 2018 and 94% 2019.
We don't revise for the phonics check because we cover everything in class in Reception and Year 1. The check takes about 5 minutes and isn't stressful. It is carried out by a class teacher.
If a pupil does not reach the 'required standard' (as set by the government) at the end of Year 1, they benefit from extra daily phonics support in Year 2 on top of class phonics.
If a pupil in Y3, 4, 5, 6 requires extra phonic support, we use a phonics scheme called Sounds Write. The Sounds Write sessions take place 3-5 times per week for about 20 minutes and are 1:1.
How to say each of the 44 phonics sounds
Examples of the Year 1 phonics check can be found here.
Phonics Curriculum Overview